
Jul 10, 2019

The Indigo Crochet Army

Conducting crochet workshops in the village.

I teach the ladies in my village how to crochet. Young or old anybody who is interested in the craft is welcome. I started this initiative a few years ago when I was faced with a huge crochet order which was impossible to fulfill on my own. I taught my immediate neighbour, a 26 year old new mom who despite her new challenging role, welcomed a distraction to break up her day. I also taught my cleaning girl, also a young girl who did 2 other jobs excluding household chores and helping out with the family's farm. Despite her full schedule, she was happy for one more flexible source of income which she could fit into her packed schedule. Slowly word spread and more ladies were coming forward wanting to join in. Now we have a group of about 15 ladies in total. The group ranges from university students, to expectant mothers, to grandmas, from my village to the next. Depending on the orders I receive I activate who is available. I love that they are excited each time, and also very determined to get it right, right down to a single stitch.

First workshop for this project. They are learning how to crochet a little lion cub.

To all my clients, know that you are helping to provide a skill, income and joy to women here in Dali!
